April 12, 2004 7:13 PM Joe Coluccio
The Beast Fed, At Last, But Not Really Tamed. AKA Comedy Heartburn!
I make this promise every week.
I will write something for the blog. (The last entry was Sunday 10/16/03 4:25 PM)
And every week something manages to catch my attention and lure me away from my keyboard and the pages of the Lackzoom Blog. Alas, sometimes it is the bed which brings me sweet temporary relief from the formidable work of the day.
I swear to you last night I sat bolt upright and thought ‘time to sleep when you’re dead!’ This, I think, you will all admit, is a sad state of affairs. I just turned over in the light of that shocking revelation and fell back asleep. Apparently my narcoleptic psyche has better sense than I do.
Here’s the deal. The Lackzoom Acidophilus Comedy Hour has been on the air since Sunday, Jan 25, 2004. Tomorrow I will FTP (File Transfer Protocol. A means of sending files via the internet) show number 12 which will air on April 25, 2004 to WURP 1550 AM. This is a milestone and I’ll tell you why, next paragraph…
For the first time we will be ahead of the game. We thought our first show would air on February 1, 2004. Show 1 aired, instead, one week early. We were really not prepared for the weefollwoing week’s show. We worked, we persevered and Show 2 became a part of our notable history.
For the next three weeks we began to look at the show as a great gaping grasping maw that would be satisfied only by more and newer comedy. We wrote, we performed, we edited, we produced music (All the musical intros and outros and interludes on Lackzoom are original. Luckily, most are composed by a piece of software called Acid and loops of music that are purchased and free of royalties. Without it we might well be sunk) we compiled shows all in the living rooms and basements of our on homes. It is truly a miracle of the digital age that we can produve a radio program without using a recording studio.
Then Show Number Five, because of a problem at the radio station, only aired for the last half an hour. We repeated the same show the next week which put us on a reasonable maintaining schedule. Essentially we gained back the week that we lost in the first place.
Show Number 8. Was viewed and reviewed in the light of the new and more nasty FCC regulations and was found lacking. It was cut and gutted. We decided to regroup and to miss the following week. We recorded new, scrapped old (and forever offensive to the palettes of our new moral leaders) and moved onward. Show 9 aired a week late.
This gaping maw of comedy ( 50 minutes each week of recorded, edited and produced comedy) is only satisfied by hard and constant work. Which is why I neglect this Blog terribly and we tend to neglect our website..
Our program, I feel, is unlike anything that has been heard on the radio. I am a great fan of what has come to be called Old Time Radio. I listen to shows frequently. I am a great fan of what is left on the raft of radio after the wreck of Clear Channel Broadcasting and Infinity Radio. I listen to everything, outside the entropy of bland gray colored popular music, frequently. I love radio and have since my parents bought me a powder blue AM only Arvin transistor set with the antenna set in the handle which revolved nicely to find the proper signal strength. So I set myself as expert as anyone here.
Lackzoom is a unique comedy group, made up of five people (Marc Simon, Phil Trafican, Foley Zelenak, Dean Mougianis, Joe Coluccio), five people with differing ideas and differing styles. And we work at it, to paraphrase the Commitments; we are the hardest working comedy group in the USA.
I guess the question is, are we funny? Listen, via the internet, go to http://www.theedge1550.com/stream and click on 'Click on this link to listen' Sunday’s at noon Eastern Daylight Time.
The answer?
You’re damn skippy, we are!